Yox 61ers:
A photo we took during campfire nite....with our class flag!!! =D
hmm i wonder if HC is really that stress. my twin is going back to AJ. says she cant take it here. WHY!!! ji peng jin hor ma...
yo butty! this is my first post. due to high demand, i shall increase the quantity supplied by blogging. this way people can be satisfied :) wah so econs! ahah ok LAME. ho la. wa gong hokkien. dan jie jin zuay lang ai hoot wa liao. ji ge li bai ji zuay gong ke wo nang bo xi gan blog. ji zhun holiday ai gao liao. bo test liao. ki lit wu bio test nia. wa men ai fail liao. buay hiao gin, wa try my best liao. gong hokkien jin cool yea. li nang ho say liao. eh sai ban ban tak. wo ai zao liao. kua li nang di sch.
Here's the link to the photos!
Efficient class photographer eh? Lol. Anw, the photos weren't taken by me obviously, cos I'm in it. Special thanks to Leonard from 62. But it is still my camera....
^ To download a zip of all the photos (may not be up yet, wait a while more)